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Uemura’s Reflections on the Mind of Plato

Uemura’s Reflections on the Mind of Plato

Délka4 hodin 42 minut

196 Kč pro členy

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14 dní na zkoušku zdarma

Cena mimo Klub:

245 Kč


Uemura’s Reflections on the Mind of Plato - audiokniha v angličtině.

Plato was not a Platonist!

I would like to show . . . that anyone who reads the dialogues of Plato without bias or an ax to grind will find a humorous, witty, pleasant friend; and not a desiccated scholarly mandarin. Plato was an open-minded, tolerant, reasonable individual, not a tight-lipped, pietistic, puritan.

In a word, Plato was an Athenian, not a Spartan!"

In the twenty-four centuries that have passed since the Athenians put Socrates to death, every generation has interpreted the meaning of Plato’s work differently. Joseph Uemura guides us through six dialogues in an effort to promote a dialectical quest rather than seek a final resting place.

Plato’s dialogues treat the big questions that confront any thoughtful person. "Eythyphro" explores religion, "Phaedo" reflects on mind, "Theatetus" examines knowledge, "Sophist" probes being, "Phaedrus" reflects on art, and the "Republic" ponders society. All great literature must be experienced first-hand. Because it is not self-explanatory, it must be interpreted and evaluated. Professor Uemura’s reflections serve as a touchstone by which to test every new reading of Plato’s work.

Některé stopy mohou být ve snížené kvalitě.

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Podle mě kniha není kompletní, mám za to, že chybí poslední kapitola. Nedokázal jsem si to sice ověřit, protože jsem neměl v ruce tištěnou verzi, ale chybí celé zhodnocení Platónovy finální utopie. Jinak je ale kniha poslouchatelná a myšlenkově přínosná.
