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Bez Audioteka Klubu

Au revoir, Prague

V Audioteka Klubu

Au revoir, Prague

V Audioteka Klubu

Délka39 minut
TypOstatní nahrávky

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V Audioteka Klubu

v rámci předplatného


14 dní na zkoušku zdarma

  • Tento a přes 2000 dalších titulů volně k poslechu
  • 20% členská sleva na tisíce dalších audioknih
  • Superprodukce dostupné pouze na Audiotéce
  • Možnost sdílení zakoupených audioknih s rodinou
69 Kč

Bez Audioteka Klubu


Au revoir, Prague - zvuková pohlednice s hudbou. Anglická verze nahrávky Praho, na shledanou.

Vyšehrad - the ancient seat of the Princes of Bohemia, dating from the first half of the 10th century. The cemetery with "Slavín" where outstanding Czech artists and scientists are laid to rest. (Smetana "Vyšehrad").
Wenceslas Squere (Václavské náměstí) - the main Prague thoroughfare with St. Wenceslas Monument by Josef Václav Myslbek. The centre of business and social life.
The National Theatre (Národní divadlo) - one of the loveliest works of Czech architecture built between 1868 and 1881. It burnt down shortly after completion and was rebuilt in 1883. (Smetana "The Bartered Bride").
The Charles Bridge (Karlův most) - founded by Charles IV in 1357, built by Peter Parler. Baroque style prevaile in its thirty groups of statues by famous 18th-century artists such as Ferdinand Maximilian Brokoff, Matthias Bernard Braun and others. (Suk "Praga").
The Tyl Theatre (Tylovo divadlo) - formerly the Theatre of the Estates - built in theyears 1781-1783 after the design of A. Haffenecker. In 1787 it witnessed the first performance of Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni", in 1827 of the first Czech opera "The Tinker" by František Škroup, and in 1834 J. K. Tyl's "Fidlovačka" (Shomaker's Holiday) in which the Czech national anthem "Where Is M\ Home" was sung for the first time (Mozart "Don Giovanni").
The Old-New Synagogue (Staronová synagoga) - the oldest preserved European synagogue dating from 1270. The Jewish cemetery with 11.000 tombstones was founded in the first half of the 15th century. (Jewish Ritual Chant).
The Old-Town Hall (Staroměstská radnice) - dating from 1338, with an astronomical clock built in 1410 by Nicholas of Kadaň. But according to legend it had been built by one master Hanuš who was subequently blinded in order that he might not build a similar clock for any other town. When retreating from Prague in 1945 the nazi occupants set fire to the Town Hall during the Prague Uprising.
The Strahov Stadium (Strahovský stadion) - the largest stadium in the world for 16.000 gymnasts and 250.000 spectators, the place of national physical culture festivals, (Suk "Towards a New Life").
The Slavonic Island (Slovanský ostrov) - a shistorical place of Czech political and cultural life at the time of national renaissance. Today an important centre of social life. (Fibich "Evening").
The House of Artists (Dům umělců) - built between 1876 and 1884 according to designs by architects Josef Zítek and Josef Schulz. The Antonín Dvořák Hall where the most important concerts of the International Prague Spring Music Festivals take place. (Dvořák "Slavonic Dance No. 9").
The Wallenstein Palace (Valdštejnský palác) - the largest Prague palace in the Early Baroque style, completed in 1630, with a beautiful garden and a salla terrena.
Bertramka - the Dušeks'villa where Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart completed his opera "Don Giovanni" in 1787 and where in 1791 he worked on his operas, "La Clemenza di Tito" and "The Magic Flute". (Mozart "Little Night Music").
Belvedere - a beautiful Royal Summer Palace in the style of Italian Reneissance - built in the years 1535-1563 by Flemish builders. (Černohorský "Toccata in C major for Organ").
The Loretto (Loreta) - a place of pilgrimage dating from 1626 with a famous cariflon (1694) and the Loretto Treasure containing a diamond monstrance. (Dušek "Sonata in G major").
The St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám sv. Víta) - originally a rotunda dating from 926, rebuilt in 1060 into a basilica and reconstructed by Matthias of Arras and Peter Parler. (Janáček "Glagolithic Mass").
The Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) - an architectural gem, founded in the 9th century. Its most outstanding features are: the Royal Palace, The Spanish Hall, the St. Vitus Cathedral, the St. George Basilica, the Golden Lane with the Dalibor Tower, the Chapel of the Holy Rood with the St. Vitus Treasure. (Suk "Praga").

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