
7,95 €

English - Business Words & Expressions B2, C1

English - Business Words & Expressions B2, C1

Dĺžka1 hod. 7 min.
FormátMP3 na stiahnutie


7,95 €


English Business Words & Expressions - Listen & Learn to Speak (Proficiency Level: B2-C1)
- audiokniha obsahuje výukové nahrávky v angličtině s obchodní slovní zásobou pro středně pokročilé a pokročilé. Autorka Dorota Guzik.

Součástí nahrávky jsou také skripta (dostupná po stažení audioknihy z poličky pouze ve webovém prohlížeči).

This audio course is for intermediate and advanced learners and it teaches typical expressions used at work and when seeking new employment. Through a general broadening of vocabulary it develops communication skills in the office and in various business situations.

The course was recorded by native speakers and it teaches the authentic language used in everyday conversations at work. It covers 12 main topics, and the dialogues and exercises in each lesson are aimed at learning and mastering over 500 words and expressions. This is effective learning which is easy and accessible to everyone.

Each lesson contains:
• Listen – learning of vocabulary in contexts; listening to dialogues and presentations;
• Repeat – broadening and consolidating of vocabulary used in typical situations;
• Speak – independent formation of sentences in accordance with the teacher’s instructions.

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