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Twelve Conversations David Bohm

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Twelve Conversations David Bohm

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Dauer18 Stunden 13 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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1. What is truth and what is reality - 18 May 1975 Duration: 70 minutes
• What is truth and what is reality?
• Anything that thought thinks about or reflects upon or projects, that is reality.
And that reality has nothing to do with truth.
• The art of seeing is to place reality where it is, and not move that in order to get
truth. You can't get truth.
• How am I to empty that consciousness and yet retain knowledge – otherwise I
couldn't function – and reach a state which will comprehend reality?
2. Seeing 'what is' is action - 24 May 1975 Duration: 122 minutes
• If truth is something totally different from reality then what place has action in
daily life, in relation to truth and reality?
• Seeing 'what is' is action.
• What place has love in truth?
Code: BRGSCB1-12-A-ENG
Copyright © 1975, Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd. www.jkrishnamurti.org
• When I separate you, in that separation love cannot exist.
• How are you to convey the sense of truth to a student?
• As long as I live in the field of reality, which has its own energy, that energy will
not free me.
• When the mind is empty, when the mind is nothing, not a thing, in that there is
3. Thought cannot bring about an insight - 31 May 1975 Duration: 81 minutes
• Is there a thinking without the word?
• The action brought about by thought into the investigation of an analysis is
always incomplete.
• Insight is complete. It is not fragmented as thought is. So thought cannot bring
about an insight.
• I must have an insight into conditioning otherwise I can't dissolve it.
• What takes place when I have an insight that the observer is the observed?
• In nothingness there is complete security and stability.
4. The intelligence of love - 14 June 1975 Duration: 87 minutes
• Why has desire become such an extraordinarily important thing in life?
• How does desire arise from perception?
• Can I desire truth?
• Is the energy of nothingness different from the energy of things?
• Is that nothingness a hypothesis, a theory, a verbal structure, or truth? • In dying to the reality only then there is nothingness.
5. Attention implies that there is no centre - 22 June 1975
Duration: 126 minutes
• Consciousness, because it is in constant movement, has never found an energy
which is not contradictory, which is not produced by desire and thought.
• Can thought ever see its own movement and the futility of its own movement? • Attention implies that there is no centre.
• Is there a perception, a seeing outside the space which is part of consciousness? • Therearetwohumanbeings,onegetsconditionedandtheotherdoesn't.Why?
How has it happened the other doesn't get conditioned?
• How does this perception which is beyond attention, beyond awareness,
beyond concentration come about?
• Thought is rather superficial, it's merely a very small part of the operation of the
• Can consciousness be completely empty of its content? • Order and disorder
6. Perceiving without the perceiver - 28 June 1975 Duration: 139 minutes
• Can thought naturally cease?
• Perceiving without the perceiver
• Facing the truth of death
• Krishnamurti's 'process' and early years.
• Kundalini
• If you can understand suffering, face it and not escape from it, that has quite a
different energy.
• Truth is a pathless land.
• There is something really tremendously mysterious.
• Knowledge is becoming the curse.
• When the mind, with all the confusion, is nothing, not a thing, then perhaps
there is the other.

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