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The Wealthy Renter: How to Choose Housing That Will Make You Rich

Specjalna cena tylko w Klubie

The Wealthy Renter: How to Choose Housing That Will Make You Rich

Specjalna cena tylko w Klubie

Długość5 godzin 25 minut
TypAudiobook - pełny

Posłuchaj w całości

22,90 zł

Specjalna cena tylko w Klubie

Dołącz do

14 dni za darmo na start

  • Ten i 10.000 tytułów w specjalnej Klubowej cenie
  • Blisko 32.000 tytułów w ramach Klubu
  • Blisko 700 audiobooków, których posłuchasz tylko w Audiotece
  • Ponad 100 pełnych rozmachu superprodukcji
35,99 zł

Poza Audioteka Klub


A National Bestseller!
Why be house poor when you can rent rich?

“Why rent when you can buy?” More than any other, this phrase captures the overwhelmingly unanimous promotion of home ownership to Canadians. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, family, friends, and even the government promote ownership as a safe, attractive, and sure-fire path to personal wealth. This one-size-fits-all advice ignores the reality of Canada’s housing market.

Canadians deserve better advice.

Faced with expensive house prices in a near-zero interest rate world, it’s time Canadians heard the virtues of renting and seriously considered renting as an alternative to home ownership. Real estate analyst Alex Avery insists renting offers a simple, more affordable way to live, plus in Canada’s frenzied housing market, going month-to-month is dramatically lower risk. He claims the reputation of home ownership as a wealth building strategy is unfounded and shows renters how to replace bricks-and-mortar with better investment opportunities.

Cover design by Laura Boyle by permission of Dundurn Press Limited

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