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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Długość10 godzin 18 minut

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle is a collection of 12 stories, first published in The Strand Magazine between 1891-2. It features the extraordinary talents and exploits of the legendary consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes, as chronicled by his friend, Dr. Watson. Read by Greg Wagland for Magpie Audio, these dozen unabridged tales are as follows: 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Red-Headed League', 'A Case of Identity', 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery', 'The Five Orange Pips', 'The Man with the Twisted Lip', 'The Blue Carbuncle', 'The Speckled Band', 'The Engineer's Thumb', 'The Noble Bachelor', 'The Beryl Coronet', and 'The Copper Beeches'.

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