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The 10-Step Stress Solution

The 10-Step Stress Solution

Długość3 godzin 56 minut

Niestety, produkt nie jest już dostępny


Angielski dla zaawansowanych

Neil jest jednym z czołowych autorytetów w dziedzinie radzenia sobie ze stresem związanym z kierowaniem biznesem i pracą w kadrze zarządzającej. Jest konsultantem w dziedzinie radzenia sobie ze stresem w sytuacji wysokiego zagrożenia i pracy pod presją czasu i w wysokiej konkurencji.
Jeśli chcesz poznąć techniki dystansowania się do problemów i sposoby relaksacji, skoncentruj się na wykładzie Neil Shana.

Neil is one of the UK's leading authorities on stress management and wellbeing issues. He is a stress management consultant and motivational speaker, is a qualified practitioner of hypnotherapy and counselling, and has trained in NLP. Neil has helped thousands of people tackle stress through one-on-one coaching and workshops, and travels all over the world to teach stress management techniques.

Do you feel overwhelmed by work - or life in general?

Having trouble coping with too many demands on your time and energy?

Well you're not alone! Britain is currently suffering from a stress epidemic. A staggering 1 in 4 employees are said to suffer from stress and it is listed as the no.1 reason for workplace absence in the UK.

Luckily for us, Neil Shah at the Stress Management Society is here to help. With a fantastic 10-step plan, he offers simple and practical solutions for reducing your stress levels so you can manage your life and breathe a sigh of relief.

Find out how to:

- manage your time - at work and at home

- regain your balance and lift your mood

- improve your concentration and motivation

- get a good night's sleep and stop worrying

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