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Spanish in Minutes. How to Study Spanish the Fun Way

Spanish in Minutes. How to Study Spanish the Fun Way

Długość2 godzin 10 minut

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Jak nauczyć się hiszpańskiego w niedługim czasie? Wykorzystaj formę zabawy i przyswajaj nowe słowa i zwroty. Angielski będzie ci pomocny.

Learn how to study Spanish for rapid mastery of the basics. Imagine if you could instantly build your foreign language skills—and have fun at the same time. Now you can!The Verbalicious Instant Language series takes a fun, entertaining approach to learning Spanish. With Liv Montgomery as your verbal tour guide, you’ll learn how to study a foreign language with her special speed-learning techniques. Soon you’ll be able to converse in Spanish like a native about dining, travel, and even medical needs. Build your vocabulary and confidence almost effortlessly with Verbalicious Instant Language Spanish in Minutes. Where other foreign language programs may bore you to death with practice drills and a monotonous teacher who drones on and on, Verbalicious takes a playful, interactive approach that’s proven to be more effective.
Imagine how confident you’ll be on your next trip. Learn Spanish the fun way—with Verbalicious!

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