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How to Lead Smart People: Leadership for Professionals

Specjalna cena tylko w Klubie

How to Lead Smart People: Leadership for Professionals

Specjalna cena tylko w Klubie

Długość7 godzin 1 minuta
TypAudiobook - pełny

Posłuchaj w całości

22,90 zł

Specjalna cena tylko w Klubie

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14 dni za darmo na start

  • Ten i 10.000 tytułów w specjalnej Klubowej cenie
  • Blisko 32.000 tytułów w ramach Klubu
  • Blisko 700 audiobooków, których posłuchasz tylko w Audiotece
  • Ponad 100 pełnych rozmachu superprodukcji
39,99 zł

Poza Audioteka Klub


Using over 40 simple lessons, How to Lead Smart People shows you how to manage a team of equals with intelligence and diplomacy.

Traditional skills are re-evaluated for the leader of a smart team. Split into three sections: leading yourself, leading your team and leading your organisation, the book offers advice
for 360-degree management.

How to Lead Smart People teaches core skills such as decision-making and delegating but also soft skills such as delivering good and bad news to team members and how to realise longer-term aims such as building trust and growing your team. The authors also offer advice on how to look after yourself as a team leader, how to build resilience in tough situations and how to develop creativity and extend your skill base so that you are constantly learning.

Arun Singh OBE FRSA is a leading international business lawyer and formerly a partner at KPMGLegal. He is a corporate educator in leadership and negotiations to international organisations, visiting professor at UK and Chinese university business schools, and a senior
government advisor with over 30 years’ experience.

Mike Mister was formerly the Global Director for Executive Development at EY Global and is now based at The Møller Institute at Churchill College, University of Cambridge. He works in supporting the development of leadership and change management capability in large organisations.

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