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ChinaTalk with Peggy Liu (Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy)

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ChinaTalk with Peggy Liu (Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy)

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Długość1 godzina 1 minuta

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How green will the Chinese transformation be? Last year China announced that it will become carbon neutral in 2060, while its latest 5-year plan (2021-2025) includes numerous ambitious goals related to green technologies and industry. The country is clearly rapidly moving towards green transformation, and it is quickly becoming the global leader in solar and wind-powered technology, energy storage, and in the electric vehicle sector. However, there are many challenges on the way. Huge economic and technological transformations produce both winners and losers. The rising political tensions in the US-China relations pose a new threat to Chinese technological security and progress.
In our conversation with Peggy Liu of Joint US–China Collaboration for Clean Energy, a non-governmental organization working towards a future where both personal and planetary health thrive alike, we attempted to estimate a global impact of Chinese green transformation, and map out the main hurdles, both domestic and international, that China faces in its quest for a more sustainable economic and industrial model. The meeting was hosted by Associate Professor Marcin Jacoby, Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University at SWPS University, and Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, Ph.D., President of the Polish-Chinese Business Council – a partner of the ChinaTalk series.
“ChinaTalk” is a series of interviews with leading global experts on China and East Asia, produced jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council (PCBC) and SWPS University. Interviews are hosted by PCBC President, Mr. Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, and Professor Marcin Jacoby, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University. ChinaTalk brings you the latest knowledge on the economy, social issues, management, and politics of China and East Asia. Our guest interpret the current developments and trends in the Chinese economy, and predict global, regional and bilateral outcomes of political decisions. Chinese relations with the European Union, and Poland in particular, constitute an important context of these discussions. The expert insights provide valuable input for business practitioners, analysts, as well as researchers and students interested in macroeconomics and global trade. For more ChinaTalk materials visit:

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