Home Comforts at Rookery House
Rosie Hendry
Christmas Carols at Rookery House
Rosie Hendry
A Wartime Christmas at Rookery House
Rosie Hendry
A Christmas Baby at Rookery House
Rosie Hendry
Revelations of a Lady Detective
William Stephens Hayward
Bel Lamington
D.E. Stevenson
Digging for Victory at Rookery House
Rosie Hendry
The Mother's Day Club
Rosie Hendry
A Home From Home
Rosie Hendry
Murder by the Barrel
Lesley Cookman
Murder for Nothing
Veronica Heley
You Never Know
Claire Lorrimer
False Pride
Veronica Heley
Murder in the Snow
Gladys Mitchell
Murder and the Glovemaker's Son
Lesley Cookman
Chatterton Square
E.H. Young
Peace Comes to Honeyfield
Anna Jacobs
Fletchers End
D.E. Stevenson
A Stranger in Honeyfield
Anna Jacobs
Murder Underground
Mavis Doriel Hay
Death on the Cherwell
Mavis Doriel Hay
Mystery in White
J. Jefferson Farjeon
Secrets and Promises
Rosie Hendry