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Who Am I? - English Audio Book

Who Am I? - English Audio Book

Dauer2 Stunden 54 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Who hasn't asked themselves what there is to life beyond just living? What is true purpose in life? There must be higher purpose than just living… In the Audio Audio book "Who am I?", Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan describes that one's ultimate life purpose is to find an answer to the age-old unanswered question of spiritual seekers: Who am I, and who is the 'doer' of all that happens in life? Dadashri also resolves questions such as: "What is the nature of the journey of souls?", "How was the world created?", "How to find God?", "How can I experience my own pure Soul?", and "What is liberation?" Ultimately, Dadashri describes that attaining knowledge of Self is the primary purpose of life, and the beginning of true spirituality. Having gained Self knowledge, spiritual development begins, after which one may attain ultimate liberation, or moksha. Among the many spiritual Audio Audio books available today, Dadashri's "Who am I?" is an exceptional resource.

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