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Unfolding Grace

Unfolding Grace

Dauer10 Stunden 51 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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14 Tage lang kostenlos testen

Preis außerhalb des Clubs

19,07 €


Explore God's Unfolding Plan of Redemption
The single most popular book in the world—the Bible—came to us over many centuries from many authors and in many different literary styles. Yet every part fits together into a coherent whole. Its pages tell a unified story of grace a story that climaxes in the triune God of love redeeming sinners and sufferers through his Son, Jesus.
In Unfolding Grace, discover the overarching storyline of God's Word as it is revealed through forty Scripture readings drawn from key points in the biblical narrative. Each passage, coupled with brief and accessible commentary, will help you follow God's grace as it unfolds from Genesis through Revelation.

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