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The Superintendent Battle Collection

The Superintendent Battle Collection

Dauer14 Stunden 47 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Preis außerhalb des Clubs

9,49 €


A collection of works containing two classic mystery Agatha Christie novels featuring the redoubtable Superintendent Battle. Superintendent Battle's impassive expression misleads many new aquantances into underestimating the determined lawman - but it is not nothing that one of Scotland Yard's finest detectives is assigned the most volatile and mysterious cases of murder. In his first adventure, 

The Secret of Chimneys, the Superintendent is concerned with a missing packet of letters -- and their vital connection to murder and control of the throne of Herzoslovakia. 

In The Seven Dials Mystery Battle returns to Chimneys, the sprawling country house with a dark secret, to investigate the existence of a secret organisation and the numerous deaths linked to it.
The Secret of Chimneys
The Seven Dials Mystery

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