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The Sea of Silence

The Sea of Silence

Dauer9 Stunden 49 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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With Europe temporarily at peace, Napoleon Bonaparte has dispatched his victorious army with a vast fleet to the Caribbean. Its aim is to re-impose French authority in the region but first they must reconquer Saint-Domingue. Captain Nathan Peake is sent from England with a small squadron, tasked with disrupting French supply lines at sea and running guns to the rebel forces. But if the men are caught, they will be disowned by the British and US governments and very likely hanged by the French as pirates. This adventure will lead Nathan into a running battle with the French Navy in the troubled waters off Saint-Domingue, an increasingly desperate involvement in one of the most brutal colonial conflicts in history, a dangerous liaison with Pauline Bonaparte, and a battle of ideas and ideologies that persists to the present day.

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