This book shows us a future next to come, and another one that is still pretty far away. It gives us hopes that we can improve our kind, and that we can evolve in our own lives... now!
Eric Barone fascinatingly presents 33 revelations that will mark, starting this year, the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. When he travels to places where not all of us can reach today, Eric brings us from there all that we need to know in order to improve our era.
By knowing what is to come, he indicates and finds the solution for us about how we have to behave today, which the causes and effects are for the harmonious and exciting life we are all looking for.
This book is the premise that is manifested from the Akashic Records for all of us, and the author translates it in a simple, easy and understandable manner.
The certainties with which it works and the essential information it provides for us throughout its pages introduce us into a new era that is soon to come. We will enter it when we read this useful and amazing book.
The author invites us to make a tour through history, form de Mayas to the visions of a new world that is about to arrive.
Welcome, human beings, to the evolution.