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The Life of Lee

The Life of Lee

Dauer10 Stunden 14 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

Preis für Abonent*innen: 9,99 €

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14 Tage lang kostenlos testen

Preis außerhalb des Clubs

16,91 €


Audiobook do nauki języka angielskiego

Biografia Lee Evansa - brytyjskiego aktora, muzyka i komika. Audiobook o znacznej części historii kina, ale przede wszystkim przekonująca opowieść o człowieku, który dzięki swojej wrażliwości potrafił wzruszać, poruszać i bawić miliony widzów i wielbicieli swojego talentu.

"Lee Evans is one of the best-loved comedians in the country; a Hollywood star able to sell out arenas in the blink of eye.

But he was not always such a roaring success.

Read unabridged by the man himself, and with the humour (and the voices!) that he brings to the stage, the audiobook edition of The Life of Lee is his utterly hilarious and very moving autobiography.

Charting his ups and downs on the way to the top, Lee takes us on a darkly humorous journey through his childhood spent running wild on a Bristol housing estate and his unconventional school days, when he was publicly derided as 'a failure' by a sadistic teacher.

In this brilliantly entertaining and engaging tale, he also guides us through a grim teenage period of numerous dead-end jobs. When he was cleaning toilets and plucking turkeys, he could never have imagined that one day he would be playing to thousands of adoring fans at the O2 Arena.

The reading also reveals how as a boy Lee got his first taste of showbiz, living out of a suitcase and accompanying his entertainer father around the smoky, rowdy, unforgiving working-men's club and theatre circuit.

Desperately struggling to be accepted, this quiet young loner always saw himself as an outsider. But he finally met the love of his life and accidentally discovered the one place where he felt at home: the stage.

The Life of Lee is a story that is like its subject: compelling, touching, charming and, above all, fantastically funny."

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