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The Hour of Battle

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

The Hour of Battle

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Dauer13 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Enthalten im Audioteka Club Abo

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  • Dieser und weitere 66.000 Titel enthalten in der Streaming Flatrate
  • Exklusiver Abonnent*innen Preis für Titel, die nicht im Streaming verfügbar sind
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  • Deutsche und internationale Bestseller gelesen von den besten deutschen Stimmen
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"The Hour of Battle" by Robert Sheckley is a science fiction novel likely written in the early 1950s. The story centers around a crew of Guardian ships tasked with protecting Earth from a telepathic enemy capable of taking over human minds without warning.
The plot follows a small crew aboard one of the Guardian ships as they anxiously await an expected attack from this mysterious telepathic race. As the men grapple with the boredom and tension of their station, they engage in speculation about their enemy's capabilities and the nature of mind control. They discuss the implications of a crew member's capture by the enemy, which heightens their anxiety and fear of losing their own autonomy. In a moment of impulsivity, they decide to take action and confront the enemy, propelled by the desperate need to protect their minds and Earth. Through their interactions and the looming threat of an unseen enemy, Sheckley examines the fragility of human consciousness in the face of external manipulation.

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