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The Completion of C. S. Lewis

The Completion of C. S. Lewis

Dauer12 Stunden 48 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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The Completion of C. S. Lewis: From War to Joy is the final volume in a trilogy on C. S. Lewis's life. In this third audiobook, scholar Harry Lee Poe examines the years during World War II until Lewis's death in 1963. 
This period of his life was wrought with disappointments and tragedy, including the deaths of close friends and family, the decline of his health, and professional failings. Despite these disappointments, this time was also marked by deep and meaningful relationships with those around him, including his friendship with and marriage to Joy Davidman Gresham. Lewis used these trials and joys to write some of his bestselling books, such as The Chronicles of Narnia; Till We Have Faces; and Surprised by Joy.

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