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The Bond Code

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

The Bond Code

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Dauer1 Stunden 21 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Enthalten im Audioteka Club Abo

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  • Dieser und weitere 66.000 Titel enthalten in der Streaming Flatrate
  • Exklusiver Abonnent*innen Preis für Titel, die nicht im Streaming verfügbar sind
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  • Deutsche und internationale Bestseller gelesen von den besten deutschen Stimmen
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Ian Fleming was a true visionary, a dualistic individual who spent much time in his early life in a ""special"" school in Austria. It was here where he learned the sacred ways of the early Gnostics and Occultists and developed the very root of the enigmatic secret and eternal charisma of James Bond.

Fleming explicitly said that Bond was Manichean, a distinctly Gnostic concept. The Bond books and films are strategically seeded with alchemical and Gnostic references for those with "the eyes to see". Fleming associated with mystics and initiated individuals around the globe.

In the Bond Code, we shall see how deep this web of the occult truly went. Fleming lived in a fantasy world that led him into a land of sinister and esoteric thought. He created his own alter-ego as a great alchemical work to fulfill his own tumultuous and chaotic mind, and he left behind a set of clues and codes for us to decipher.

Philip Gardiner finally unravels the secret of James Bond, piece by piece, radically reappraising everything we thought we knew about this secret agent and his creator.

Join us on this journey in a very special and unique audio book version.

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