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Rosabelle Shaw

Rosabelle Shaw

Dauer11 Stunden 55 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Edinburgh, 1890. The Season is in full swing with parties nearly every night and Fanny is enjoying every moment. Then John Shaw comes to town on business and loses his heart to her. He sets about his wooing without delay and eventually brings his young bride to his farmhouse near the sea. Fanny is unhappy at first. John is hard to understand, and she misses the excitement and glamour of city life and the companionship of her sister. But she struggles hard to become a good farmer's wife and, with the help of a strange old book, learns to manage. Rosabelle, their first child, is delightful and soon has a sibling to share her games. Then an unexpected accident occurs, which brings a stranger into the family circle; a strangely fascinating boy whose ways threaten trouble for everyone in the district.

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