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Rebel City: Hong Kong's Year Of Water And Fire

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Rebel City: Hong Kong's Year Of Water And Fire

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Dauer14 Stunden 50 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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South China Morning Post's (SCMP) reporting team looks back at Hong Kong's most wrenching political crisis since its return to Chinese rule in 1997. Anti-extradition bill protests that morphed rapidly into a wider anti-government movement in 2019 left no aspect of the city untouched, from its social compact to its body politic to its open economy. The demonstrations which continued well into 2020 have tested every institution of the city, from the civil service to the police to the courts and even its rail transport operator, and from offices and businesses to universities and schools, and from churches to families and even friends.This book is for anyone seeking to understand not just what Hong Kong has gone through but also the global phenomenon of increasingly leaderless protest movements. Fueled by profound angst about the place of millennial youth in society, widening income inequality, and the speed of digital communications, Hong Kong was in retrospect ripe to be the laboratory for a new-age protest movement, nearly a decade after the Middle East's Arab spring.

The essays in the book collectively compose a picture of a society in trauma, bent and broken, but showing signs of an uncanny ability to bounce back. What shape it will be in a few years from now, however, is much harder to predict.

Edited by Zuraidah Ibrahim & Jeffie Lam.

© 2020 by South China Morning Post Team. Published in paper format in Singapore by World Scientific Publishing, recorded by Storyside 2021.

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