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Meeting Your Guardian Angel - Guided Meditation

Meeting Your Guardian Angel - Guided Meditation

Dauer12 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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14 Tage lang kostenlos testen

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7,99 €


There are things happening around you that you might not be aware of. There exists a realm of the unseen filled with angels, and one of them is watching over you. Are you ready to acknowledge and receive your guardian angel? If you would like to, you first need to learn to think about, see, and experience their presence. You will need to open up and bask in the cozy shades of divinity and have them spread all over and within you. In the Meeting Your Guardian Angel series, you will be guided in learning to be more aware of your surroundings. You will develop a heightened focus and sense of presence so you can gain better patience and internal wisdom. As you progress through the session, you will begin to understand the spiritual dimension and won't feel alone or distanced. You will find yourself as a presence and part of the collective whole.

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