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Make the Most of Your Productivity

Make the Most of Your Productivity

Dauer4 Stunden 17 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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16,21 €


6 Powerful, God-Honoring Principles to Increase Productivity
Many people today idolize achievement, driven by validation, status, or financial gain. Others lack self-discipline and motivation altogether. How can Christians pursue healthy, biblical goal-setting that avoids extremes?
In this user-friendly guide, Ana Ávila teaches 6 principles to help you honor God with all you have and reflect his character through your creativity. Along with a gospel-centered perspective on life, you'll learn skills to increase efficiency, such as forming healthy habits, using productivity tools, creating tasks and projects, and more. Whether you are achievement-oriented or struggle with discipline, Ávila will show you how to reorient your time, boundaries, decisions, focus, habits, and tools around God's main design for productivity: serving him and helping others.

- A Great Introduction to Productivity: Explains how to effectively steward time, resources, and wisdom from a biblical perspective
- Interactive: Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and action steps
- Practical Life Skills: Includes sample schedules, tips for forming healthy habits, and more
- Previously Published in Spanish

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