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It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

Dauer3 Stunden 36 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Ten years ago one of America's most important public figures, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, chronicled her quest, both deeply personal and, in the truest sense, public, to help make our society into the kind of village that enables children to become able, caring resilient adults. In her substantial new introduction, Senator Clinton reflects on how our village has changed over the last decade from the internet to education, and on how her own understanding of children has deepened as she has watched Chelsea grow up and take on challenges new to her generation; from a first job to living through a terrorist attack. She discusses how the work she is doing in the Senate is helping children and looks at where we have been successful--Improvements in the foster care system and support for adoption--and where there is still work to be done, such as providing pre-k programs and universal health care to all our children. This new edition elucidates how the choices listeners make about how they raise their children, and how they support families, will determine how our nation will face the challenges of this century.

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