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Insights Into The First And Second Books Of Adam And Eve

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Insights Into The First And Second Books Of Adam And Eve

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Dauer40 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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"Eden Insights — The Lost Books of Adam and Eve" is the sixth of S.N. Strutt's unique Insights books. As an author and Apocrypha investigator, Strutt has handled this collection of ancient, pre-Flood writings, events, testimonies and accounts with exceptional discernment and Scriptural sensitivity. This book brings out the astounding knowledge and shocking dynamic details as to how emotional it was for Adam and Eve — physically and spiritually — to have to leave the Garden of Eden, where they had personal interaction with God the Father and Jesus the Word, and be thrust out into the physical world due to their disobedience. These insights clearly show what life was like in the almost 1,600 years leading up to the biblical Great Flood of Noah, and reveal numerous answers to questions that many of us may have as we see the world today careening on its downward course! — And promises that God's Own will be rescued again!
Order "Eden's Insights" at Stephen's website: www.outofthebottomlesspit.co.uk
Listen to the full audiobook of "The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve" on this channel:

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