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HAPPYAGONY - A Collection of Poems by Mem Ferda

HAPPYAGONY - A Collection of Poems by Mem Ferda

Dauer1 Stunden 50 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Preis außerhalb des Clubs

8,49 €


Life can be a tumultuous journey, filled with both heartache and joy. Since his teenage years, the actor Mem Ferda has poured his soul into crafting poetry, and now feels compelled to share these words with the world. Through these verses, he strives to awaken deep emotions, ignite inspiration, and spread positivity, all the while offering a glimpse into the tapestry of reality, as seen through his own introspection and experiences.
These poems are like kaleidoscopes, each revealing a unique pattern, open to interpretation based on one's worldview, values, and principles. They emanate from the depths of the author's being, bearing the weight of true-life encounters. As readers immerse themselves in these words, they will, hopefully, find solace and delight, just as he has found solace and delight in their creation. If these poems can elicit such a response, then they will have accomplished their purpose.

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