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Finally Relaxed! Learn Composure, Reduce Stress and Relieve Tension Sustainably With Effective Relaxation Techniques - Incl. The

Finally Relaxed! Learn Composure, Reduce Stress and Relieve Tension Sustainably With Effective Relaxation Techniques - Incl. The

Dauer1 Stunden 26 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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9,95 €


In this book you will learn about relaxation and its counterpart, tension - or stress. These terms are on everyone's lips today, but often we don't even know what we are really talking about or complaining about - and what can get us out of our, often unconsciously and self-created, stressful situations and help us in the long run to a relaxed and easy-going everyday life. In order to really consciously go into a so-called relaxation, it is namely very important to first really understand WHAT in our body there is at all overstressed, stressed and under pressure, so what should be "relaxed" at all.
In this book you will not find an action plan or step-by-step plan that you have to work through, because working through plans is not what creates or constitutes relaxation. In this book, you will first learn something about the effects of stress on your body and mind, so that you can then specifically examine and get to know your own life with regard to your own sources of stress and suitable relaxation techniques.

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