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Expositional Preaching

Expositional Preaching

Dauer3 Stunden 15 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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14,30 €


Short Guide Offers Practical Advice for Aspiring Expositors of God's Word
Preachers fill our church pulpits, conference stages, and television airwaves. But the question remains: What is good preaching really like? In this accessible volume—written for preachers and preachers in training—pastor David Helm outlines what it takes to be a faithful proclaimer of God's word. After exploring ways preaching can fall short of biblical exposition, Helm outlines a process of sermon preparation that ensures a more accurate handling of the biblical text. Moving from exegesis and theological reflection to the contextualized needs of today, this short book offers practical, step-by-step guidance for preaching that will promote the health and holiness of the church.

- A Great Resource for Church Leaders: Offers accessible and practical guidance for those seeking to strengthen their preaching while remaining faithful to the Bible
- Practical: Draws on the life and work of Charles Simeon, a famous English preacher, with applicable, step-by-step guidance 
- Part of the 9 Marks Building Healthy Churches Series

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