The horror of the male experience during World War One was well documented in poetry, memoir, and fiction throughout the 20th century. Women's voices of despair, endurance and anger, however, have often been forgotten. These poems of political fury, widowed brides, industry undertaken, and sons and friends loved and lost, give a heartbreaking insight into the experience of women throughout World War One.
The full list of poems included in this collection are:
- Joining the Colours, by Katharine Tynan
- War Girls, by Jessie Pope
- August 1914, by May Wedderburn Cannan
- Rouen, by May Wedderburn Cannan
- Dedication 8 March, by May Sinclair
- Belgium, by Edith Wharton
- Lament, by Katharine Tynan
- Spring in War-Time, by Sara Teasdale
- The Falling Leaves, by Margaret Postgate Cole
- 'I know the truth! Renounce all others!', by Marina Tsvetaeva
- Lamplight, by May Wedderburn Cannan
- In a Soldier's Hospital 1: Pluck, by Eva Dobell
- Perhaps 1916, by Vera Brittain
- Field Ambulance in Retreat, by May Sinclair
- At the Movies, by Florence Ripley Mastin
- Reported Missing, by Anna Gordon Keown
- from At the Somme: The Song of the Mud, by Mary Borden
- from The Work, by Gertrude Stein
- After the War, by May Wedderburn Cannan
- The Veteran, by Margaret Postgate Cole
- Epitaph On My Days in Hospital, by Vera Mary Brittain
- Roundel, by Vera Mary Brittain
- War Mothers, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- The Lament of the Demobilized, by Vera Brittain
- The Cenotaph, by Charlotte Mew
- A War Bride, by Jessie St. John
- Screens (In a Hospital), by Winifred Letts
- The Deserter, by Winifred Letts
- The Spires of Oxford, by Winifred Letts
- Night Duty, by Eva DobellThis audiobook is fully indexed. Once downloaded, each book and chapter will be listed so you can easily navigate to the individual section.