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Short Guide Helps Churches Cultivate a Culture of Evangelism within the Context of Community
Christians often struggle to know where to start when it comes to telling others about God, Jesus, sin, and salvation. In this short book, J. Mack Stiles challenges Christians to view evangelism as something to do together instead of something to do alone, helping churches cultivate a culture of evangelism that goes beyond simply creating new programs or adopting the latest method. Part of the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series, this book will help Christians joyfully embrace evangelism as a way of life as it equips them to share their faith with those who don't yet know Jesus.

- Practical: Equips Christians to winsomely share their faith with unbelievers in the context of community
- A Great Resource for Congregations: Short guide to evangelism
- Part of the 9 Marks Building Healthy Churches Series

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