Among all female poets of the English-speaking world in the 19th century, none was held in higher critical esteem or was more admired for the independence and courage of her views than Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
The many journals which reported Browning's untimely death all spoke of her as the greatest woman poet in English literature. The highly respected Edinburgh Review expressed the prevailing view when it said that she had no equal in the literary history of any country: "Such a combination of the finest genius and the choicest results of cultivation and wide-ranging studies has never been seen before in any woman", and the esteem in which she is held has never dimmed with her poetry still widely studied and admired today. Collected here are 16 of her most beautiful, haunting, and renowned poems.
- Goblin Market
- A Musical Instrument
- Aurora Leigh
- Sonnets From the Poruguese
- The Cry of the Children
- Runaway Slave at Pilgrims Point
- To Flush My Dog
- Sonnet 1
- Sonnet 2This audiobook is fully indexed. Once downloaded, each poem will be listed so you can easily navigate to the individual section.