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Don't Eat the Scraps

Don't Eat the Scraps

Dauer2 Stunden 0 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Preis außerhalb des Clubs

9,49 €


Don't Eat the Scraps describes the crucial and (as of now!) unknown theory of a behavior that men exhibit in the first six to eight weeks in dating. Women everywhere find themselves scratching their head, asking themselves the chin-quivering question, "Where did it all go wrong?"
In a lighthearted, provocative and hilarious way, Jules lays out all the things that women need to know in order to navigate, step-by-step, through the first months of any relationship, armed with some of the soundest Jules' Rules dating advice they'll ever receive to overcome future hurdles (and scraps!). It is a one-stop guide to thriving in the murky waters of the dating world... and have a few out-loud chuckles along the way.

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