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Crime Scene Asia

Crime Scene Asia

Dauer10 Stunden 56 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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The body of a woman is found in a Singapore nature park. Nobody has reported her missing and no one knows who she is. The only clue to her identity is a series of tiny numbers etched into her dental implants.

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a married man is arrested for the murder of his mistress. The police are adamant that he is her killer. However, forensic evidence tells a different story altogether.

The Bali bombing investigation was essentially a giant murder case: one with 202 victims and three crime scenes. But outstanding investigative work by forensic scientists helped to identify the bombers and bring them to trial.

This casebook of 16 fascinating true stories from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Indonesia by award-winning Australian true crime writer Liz Porter shows how forensic science is used to catch killers, solve mysteries and exonerate falsely accused suspects.

© 2018 by Liz Porter. Published in paper format in Singapore by Marshall Cavendish International Asia, recorded by Storyside 2019.

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