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After Emmaus

After Emmaus

Dauer7 Stunden 17 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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Preis außerhalb des Clubs

20,68 €


"The church's mission does not begin with the Great Commission, but is integrally related to the grand storyline of Scripture."
Did the Old Testament simply point to the coming of Christ and his saving work, or is there more to the story? After his resurrection, the Lord Jesus revealed how his suffering, glory, and mission plan for the nations are in fact central to the biblical story of redemption.
After Emmaus shows how Christology and missiology are integrally connected throughout Scripture, especially in the teaching of Jesus and the apostles. Brian Tabb explains what Luke 24:46–47 reveals about God's messianic promises in the Old Testament, their fulfillment in the New Testament, and the purpose of the church. By understanding Jesus's last words to his disciples, Christians today will be motivated to participate in the Messiah's mission.

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