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A Leap of Love

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A Leap of Love

Inbegriffen in der Streaming Flatrate

Dauer5 Stunden 32 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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There is a wonderful ancient Western tradition that allows a woman to propose to a man – but only on 29 February. Only once every four years, in a leap year.

On such a momentous day, late one morning in modern day Singapore, young and beautiful Li-ann catches sight of Jeremy for the first time in a busy part of town. She realises with a start that he is her dream man and makes the move allowed by the Leap Year tradition. It is the most creative, imaginative and brilliant move any girl can think of. Jeremy is totally enthralled. Their first meeting is radiant with love's promise.

But alas! Fate, ever mischievous, intervenes with her tricks, determined that love's path should never be smooth. She takes the lovers on an alarmingly bumpy roller coaster
ride over the years, as each Leap Year comes and goes, leaving them by turns ecstatic and despondent, hopeful and despairing. But in the end, Fate is no match for the endearing power and ferocious tenacity of love.

Brimming with energy, A Leap of Love sparkles with joy and will leave you breathless with the sheer suspense of tracking the memorable twists and turns in the intertwined lives of two star-crossed lovers.

This book was adapted for a movie titled "The Leap Years" in 2008, starring Wong Li-Lin and Ananda Everingham.

© 2017 by Catherine Lim. Published in paper format in Singapore by Marshall Cavendish International Asia, recorded by Storyside 2019.

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