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English Vocabulary Master – Listen & Learn to Speak: 100 Irregular Verbs – Elementary / Intermediate Level (A2-B2)

English Vocabulary Master – Listen & Learn to Speak: 100 Irregular Verbs – Elementary / Intermediate Level (A2-B2)

Dauer2 Stunden 30 Minuten
FormatHörbuch Download

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9,96 €


Do you want to master the vocabulary required to conduct conversations freely in various situations?

Listen to “English Vocabulary Master – Irregular Verbs. Elementary / Intermediate Level”. This audio course is aimed to teach and consolidate knowledge of 100 irregular verbs that occur most frequently in everyday conversations and written texts. Learning takes place through the association of meanings in contexts. The set of exercises in each lesson allow the learner to master and consolidate the verbs quickly. This is effective learning, easy and accessible to everyone.

Each part contains:
• LISTEN – the text and sentences showing use of the verbs in context and in the appropriate form;
• REPEAT – repeating and consolidating the irregular verbs and teaching the application of the appropriate forms in the following tenses: Simple Past, Present Perfect and in the passive voice;
• SPEAK – independent formation of sentences with the irregular verbs in accordance with the teacher’s instructions (the recordings of example answers will enable you to check your answers immediately);
• a REVISION section;
• in addition, TEST YOURSELF – a part checking mastery of the material.

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